Emma's had a baby girl.

7th June 2024

Huge Congratulations to Emma on the birth of the beautiful Sophie-Leigh We cant wait for cuddles, sending you ll our love xx

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Our lovely Katie has had a baby.

1st March 2024

Huge congratulations to our lovely Katie on the birth of her beautiful baby boy, Oakely  I am sure you will all join me in wishing Katie and her family our very best wishes. We cant wait for cuddles!!

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Our Family Chrsitmas 2023

19th December 2023

WOW WOW WOW.... What a fantastic turnout for our family christmas party. We had singing, dancing, snow machines, popcorn machines, candy floss, cakes and the amazing kids love to party childrens entertainers. What an amazing night seeing so many familes celebrating with us, a huge thank you for all your lovely feedback from the night we hope you enjoyed it as much as your children did. Merry Christmas from all the team at Funtasia 

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This Month at Yew Tree out of school club- September 2021

30th September 2021

This month we’ve enjoyed welcoming everyone back after the school holidays, we’ve also welcomed some of our new children to our club. To start the term we had an all about me topic so the children could get to know each other through different activities such as all about me booklets, self portraits/decorating biscuits. We have also been busy making our own pizzas using different toppings, spending time outside playing different games such as football, racing and chasing games and catching games. The children have also been interested in drawing this term so we’ve carried out...

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This Month at St Stephens Out Of School Club- September 2021

30th September 2021

Firstly, I would like to welcome back all our children we hope you had a lovely summer! We have also welcomed lots of new children and been helping them to settle into our club.  We have had lots of fun this term not being in bubbles anymore, the children have really enjoyed being able to play with other children from different year groups. We have also been doing lots of fun activities such as making pizza’s, toasting marshmallows around a camp fire and making hedgehog bread.  We have been working really hard to work together as a whole team...

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This Month at Micklehurst Out Of School Club- September 2021

30th September 2021

Here at micklehurst we have enjoyed welcoming our new children and families to our setting. We have started of by getting to know each other and getting used to our setting being back to normal after Covid . We have also had a range of different activities such as Prince/princess week, autumn week and children’s choice week.  Whilst having junk modelling, paint and play dough for the children to explore. We have also had some amazing fun nights such as movie nights which included popcorn and hot chocolate and then also a fancy dress tea party. We have also...

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This month at Millbrook Out of School Club- September 2021

30th September 2021

This month at Millbrook and St Raphael’s before and after school club we have been so happy to welcome back all our lovely children and have thoroughly enjoyed meeting our new starters who have settled in fabulously. We have been working alongside the schools and as a result have been doing all about me with the EYFS children and following their interests just like they are in school. Due to this we feel we have created strong bonds with our children and are starting to get to know them well enough to continue to plan exciting themes that keep...

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This Month at Micklehurst Out Of School Club- September 2021

30th September 2021

Here at micklehurst we have enjoyed welcoming our new children and families to our setting. We have started of by getting to know each other and getting used to our setting being back to normal after Covid . We have also had a range of different activities such as Prince/princess week, autumn week and children’s choice week.  Whilst having junk modelling, paint and play dough for the children to explore. We have also had some amazing fun nights such as movie nights which included popcorn and hot chocolate and then also a fancy dress tea party. We have also...

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This Month at St Pauls Out Of School Club- September 2021

30th September 2021

At St Paul’s this month we’ve had so much fun and enjoyed lots of different activities and settling in all our new children. We have reintroduced the new fun stars into the setting who will be out little helpers and help the little children too. We have introduced a new self select area so that the children are able to select their own craft resources to allow them to always have choice and independence. We have had lots of fun with our themed weeks such as getting to know the children, our autumn theme was amazing - the...

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Nursery Macmillan Coffee Morning 2021

24th September 2021

Today at nursery we have hosted our Macmillan Coffee morning!  It was so nice to final invite parents and families into our nursery and have a nice catch up with each other!  I would like to thank all the families and staff members who attend and donated so generoulsy. All together Nursery and our Before and After school club raised a fantastic £143.90!!  We hope this event gave the parents a chance to meet each other and have a nice cathc up! 

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Potty Training and Dummy workshop

23rd September 2021

This week at nursery we have hosted our first workshop! This was our potty training and dummy use workshop! We had a good turn out and we are greatful to all the families that attended this and we hope it has beenn very useful for you. All the children will recieve a copy of the hand out to help families who couldn't attend. We spent a great deal of time talking about different strategies and ways to tackle potty training. We are aware that this is a big task to undertake and want to assist parents in this in any...

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Outdoor Play at Nursery

10th September 2021

The children at nursery love playing and exploring our outdoor area. The children have recently enjoyed playing in the construction area and trying to build different towers and obstacle courses together. The children have really enjoyed playing with the pieces of guttering to experiment with pushing the cars down them. The children placed the ramps at different heights to see how fast the cars would go down.  

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Fun at holiday club!

26th August 2021

Today at holiday club we have held our sports day, what fun we have all had! The children and staff have taken part in various races, running, jumping, team challennges, hopping, skipping and even the egg and spoon race, what a perfect day to practice using all our muscles and getting plenty of fresh air.The younger children inn nest room have spent time outdoors exploring the forest matching colours and using their senses to find new discvoveries. What a wonderful day had by all.

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Detective week at holiday club.

21st August 2021

What a super week at holiday club during detective week. We turned our holiday club into CSI room, children managed to crack codes by workinng out the colour of hair, they figured out the size of the shoes and as a team managed to figure out who was the suspect. We have had a laser beam challenge the children had to try and weave in and out of the lasers without getting hit. We then had to detect fingerprints and trace the suspect by brushing talc over the prints. We finished off we crack the code puzzles and codes that...

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Nursery Graduation 2021

7th July 2021

What an emotional day! Today we celebrated the time we have spent together with our wonderful children who are moving on to primary school. The children all practised all their songs and dances before hand and performed them for the parents tonight- all the children were superstars!  All the parents came and watched their amazing children graduate and recieve their certificates to celebrate their time with us. We then all enjoyed a shared buffet with everyone and everyone had a chance to take pictures of their children with different backgrounds and props.  Thank you to all the parents who attended...

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COVID won't stop us!

7th July 2021

COVID-19 will not stop us celebrating and saying goodbye to our amazinng children!  We look forward to seeing everyone late for our outdoor graduation! 

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Happy Christmas

20th December 2020

Happy Christmas As the school year draws to an end and our settings close for Christmas  I would like to take this opportunity to firstly thank each and everyone of our parents for putting their trust in Funtasia and believing in us.  This has been the hardest year ever for Funtasia! ( as I’m sure it’s been for everyone) As a company, we have had to adapt and evolve repeatedly, think on our feet and change the way we care for your children to ensure the safety and wellbeing of everyone, in the same time enlisting normality and a...

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Nursery Breakfast with Santa

16th December 2020

What a lovely morning and a beautiful breakfast with a surprise visit from Father Christmas. 

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Christmas dinner at nursery

10th December 2020

The children and staff have had a wonnderful day at nursery today. It was Christmas dinner day! sooo yummy! Children had made their own place mats and festive hats, the Christmas table was decorated with a lovely paper chain that the children had created earlier in the week. The children and staff thoroughly enjoyed their delightful festive lunch.

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Our Nursery is 2 today!

2nd September 2020

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Summer Holiday club fun!

5th August 2020

What a wonderful time we are all having at our holiday club. We have had so much fun  over the last couple of weeks. The children have really enjoyed seeing their friends from school, whilst others have made some lovely little new friendships. it’s been so nice to see all the children smiling and enjoying themselves  This week in our fantastic holiday club Some of our children made some lovely bright coloured jelly fish, While others enjoyed making some lovely personalised book marks. We’ve carried out some fabulous science experiments that really wowed us all! We have painted...

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Nursery Graduation Day - 2020

27th July 2020

It has been an emotional day today as we say goodbye to some of our amazing children, who we have had the honour and privilege of looking after and watching grow. All the children who are leaving us this year have grown so much and will be amazing in their next steps and stages of their lives. Obviously, due to the current situation the graduation was a little different and it was a shame all the parents couldn’t attend with us to celebrate, hope you enjoyed all the pictures we sent you and the videos.  This year has been...

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Settling back into Nursery.

10th July 2020

We have all really settled back into nursery now and have adjusted well to the new routine and adjustments at nursery. It's like we have never been away now. We have all been very busy with lots of different activities happening in our bubble groups  Happy Horses:  This week our Happy Horses have been exploring colours. We have had so much fun with this as it can be done in many ways, through paint, books, chalk, materials etc. We have been looking at The Very Hungry Caterpillar and will be looking into their life cycles as the children have loved...

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Look!! I've done my first week back at nursery!!

26th June 2020

One of our lovely nursery children, showing off her certificate of achievement for her first week back at our nursery. That smile says everything doesnt it? ( Thank you for sending us this lovely photograph)

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Summer 2020 Holiday Club

4th June 2020

Hope everyone is well I just wanted to take this opportunity to give everyone a quick update on the out of school clubs. The Government yesterday updated " The Actions for Childcare Providers during the Coronavirus Outbreak" within this publication they have now stated that before and after school clubs not operating on a school site are not able to reopen, so sadly we will be unavailable to offer childcare until these restrictions are lifted.   ***** SUMMER HOLIDAY CLUB ****** It does look like we CAN provide a holiday club at our Millbrook site, in an adapted way for the summer holidays. Our...

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Our Nursery is reopening on 22nd June 2020

3rd June 2020

Good Afternoon to all our parents, we are looking forward to welcoming everyone back to nursery very soon. We have been working very hard following government and public health guidance to ensure the safety of everyone at nursery. Today we have sent you the nursery risk assessment via Blossom. This is a working document that will be reviewed for its effectiveness on a regular basis,if parents feel they would like something to be included or have any feedback on the risk assessment or any aspect of nursery please do hesitate to contact us. Looking forward to seeing everyone very...

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We love our relationships with children and parents.

15th May 2020

We Just wanted to say a massive thankyou to all the lovely children and parents that joined our zoom call this afternoon  Thank you children - for making me love my job as much as I do. You are so full off smiles and I promise you that this will all soon be over and we can get back to normality.  Please parents remember - if your children are struggling or need a bit of advice or just to see a friendly face, let me know? I don’t mind a FaceTime/Skype/zoom video call with them to have...

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Thanking our carers

30th April 2020

We would just like to say a BIG THANK YOU to all our NHS and Social care workers, especially all our parents who have been working on the front line to protect us all during this difficult time  Send us your videos of your children clapping for our carers.  Hope everyone is staying safe and can’t wait to see you all soon.  #NHS

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We love you all!

3rd April 2020

We wanted to send a message to all our lovely parents and children out there, to let you know that we are missing you all so much and can’t wait to see you all again!  Funtasia is not just a ‘business’, it’s a family and we are trying to regularly keep up to date with all our amazing families to ensure they know we are here for support and that we do truly care - because we really do and we are really missing you all lots.  We hope everyone is staying safe and look forward to seeing...

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Christmas Party 2019

3rd November 2019

WARNING OUR TICKETS ARE SELLING FAST  Our Family Christmas party is open to all children and parents that attend any one of our Funtasia settings, this night is a hugely popular event and is always a sell out.  I know you don’t like us mentioning Christmas, however just a reminder that we will be holding our amazing Christmas party on sat 14th Dec from 6.30pm at Dukinfield Masonic hall. It’s always such a magical event with lots of entertainment, DJ and disco, tombola, balloon modelling, candy floss machine, glitter face painting and lots more with a hot buffet...

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Staff Awards Night

3rd November 2019

We are holding our end of year staff awards night on 7th December and need your help in nominating the practitioner you feel deserves to win " The parents choice award" click here to download a nomination form. when completed please email  to karen@funtasiakidsclubs.co.uk.

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New setting opening soon.

2nd November 2019

We are thrilled to announce we have been selected to provide before, after school and holiday childcare at St Stephens School in Droylsden. We are excited for our new venture and look forward to meeting everyone. We will be arranging a new parent meeting for all St Stephens familes to ensure a smooth transition for children and their families.

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October Holiday Fun!

1st November 2019

Wow, what a fun filled week we all had over October half term. We carried out lots of fun activities with a spooky theme and had lots of outdoor oportunities, exploring our local enviroment, den building and looking after the wildlife as the colder months approach us, we even made healthy smoothies and a yummy Apple pie.

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Out and About with Nursery.

30th October 2019

Today at nursery we have taken our children out into the wider community as part of enhancing our cultural capital. Culture capital gives our children knowledge and experiences that they may not get on a daily basis for example; going to the library, going on a bus also selecting and paying for their own shopping. We even enjoyed eating our packed lunch in Tesco’s cafe. We have had so much fun today on our little adventure 

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Managing our feelings and behaviour.

18th October 2019

This week at St. John’s we have been focusing on feelings, we started the week with our circle time talking about feelings and how sometimes events can make us sad or happy or nervous. The children helped start our feelings display board, the children liked the idea of using the 5 finger strategy to help them with there feelings. We made emoji stress balls, and made mr men feeling figures, we did our coloured hand prints, and drew our feelings on the windows. We have started to create a new cosy quiet corner, inside this cosy corner has a worry...

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St Pauls new parents meeting.

7th October 2019

Any parents of our pre- school children, St Pauls is holding a new parents evening for children starting reception class in September 2020. Funtasia will be attending to offer support and advise for before and after school care. come and say hello.

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Ofsted Big Conversation.

6th October 2019

The management team attended Ofsted Big Conversation this weekend. We love attending this meeting where providers delivering early years care and education come together, its such a passionate morning and we always come away eager to implement improvements and to cascade information to the team.

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Nursery Parents Evening and Report Dates 2019/2020

30th September 2019

  October  21st -New starters, baseline report and meeting for all new children. Key person to meet informally with parents of existing children.  Parents evening- December 3rd – Reports to go home.  Parents evening- March 25th - reports to go home 19th March.   Parents evening-July 15th – reports to go home 9th July.    Graduation celebrations July 22nd 6.30pm start children to arrive at 6.00pm   

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This week at nursery we held a cake sale for The Macmillan Charity.

28th September 2019

This week at nursery we have all been busy following the children’s interests. On Friday we held our Macmillan cake sale which we raised £67.52 for this amazing charity. A big thank you to all the staff for baking.  Baby Nest:  In baby nest this week we have been encouraging children to use our climbing equipment outside and taking it inside by using the soft play. This encouraged the children to build confidence in their climbing skills or even pull themselves up to standing. Children were able to hold our hand if they wanted as we built a slide into...

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Dummy use advice.

5th September 2019

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Our nursery is 1 today.

2nd September 2019

 It’s our birthday! Our nursery is  1 today. A huge thank you to our amazing, dedicated team and our lovely supportive parents for such a successful first year. our funtasiafamily

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Trip to Southport.

31st July 2019

What a beautiful day out both our nursery and holiday club had when we visited Southport. We travelled on the bus to catch our train to Southport. When we arrived we had a picnic by the river where we watched the ducks, geese and people rowing on boats, following our delicious lunch we headed to the beach. The sea was so far out that we could not even see it, howver we were able to splash in the rock pools and run on the sand which was great fun for everyone. The weather was beautiful and the sun shone all...

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Its Beach Theme at nursery.

29th July 2019

It’s all about the beach this week at nursery  and we are all super excited for our trip to Southport. We kicked off the week with a fantastic beach scene investigation tuff tray, how good does it look?    

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Graduation Day 2019

26th July 2019

Wow what a turn out. Today was our first graduation celebration and it was such an emotional day saying goodbye to all our lovely and amazing children. I would like to thank all the parents who came as it was a great turn out (just a shame the room was like a sauna on this beautiful day). The children who are leaving to move on to school and nursery will be greatly missed by all the staff in the nursery, it has been so lovely working with all the children and watching them grow and develop. At Funtasia we are...

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When the nursery children visited Millbrook care home.

1st July 2019

The children were very lucky today to be invited to Milbrook care home. It’s lovely that our nursery has developed a relationship with the care home, allowing us the opportunity to build up cross-age relationships. This morning the children sang their “Hello Song” which gave all the children and residents the opportunity to greet each other. The children sang songs and rhymes whilst the ladies and gentlemen sang along and played instruments from our instrument basket, we shared the Gruffalo story together as a large group encouraging everyone to join in. It was such a lovely experience for everyone...

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Stalybridge Carnival 2019.

24th June 2019

We had a beautiful day this weekend, taking part in Stalybridge Carnival. This is such a wonderful community event for the children to be a part of. Children arrived dressed with the Troll Theme. Winning first place in our category was an added bonus,  the highlight of our day was seeing how much fun was had by everyone. This is an annual event with Funtasia, look out for our theme for 2020.

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Staff Training this term

12th March 2019

Practitioners within nursery have undertaken several training and development opportunities, Karen has completed- Looking at Schemas, Supporting staff well-being, Exemplary practice with babies, Outstanding practice,Online safety in Early Years, Understanding children, Babies being heard and EYFS progress checks. Katie has completed-  Exemplary practice with two year olds Leanne has completed-  SEND training, Evaluative practice and impact measurement and FGM safeguarding Heather has completed- Suporting 2 year olds in the EYFS, Safguarding, Health & Safety Cerys has completed-  introduction into the EYFS Continuous training and development has a huge impact on practice, and the opportunities that are offered to the children. Well...

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Top Team Member - February 2019

28th February 2019

We are proud to announce that Kelsey was awarded this months " Top Team Member Award" Kelsey has shown dedication and passion to all her tasks within the nursery, carrying out everything with enthusiasm. well done Kelsey.

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New Early Years Learning Platform

2nd February 2019

Parents, We are delighted to inform you that we will be changing our Early Years learning platform, we currently use  Baby’s Days we will be moving over to Blossom educational.  I can’t tell you how excited we all are to start using this new software. It’s so user friendly for both practitioner and parent. The parent App is a cut down version of the system but what you will see is a timeline of your child’s day, observations and next steps and a button to post observations from home. The website version will show your whole...

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Phonics training with our local school

1st February 2019

Kim, karla, Beth and Sam were delighted to be invited by the reception teacher at St Pauls to attend Phonics training delivered by herself. We have a strong working partnerships with all our local schools it was extremely imformative particularly as we have children in reception class at our before and after school and pre school children preparing for their transistions to St Pauls. A big thank you for inviting us and sharing your valuable knowledge with us, we look forward to putting what we have learnt into practice.

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Wednesday wet welly walks

11th January 2019

Nursery children put on their wellies, hats, scarves and gloves and every Wednesday off we go on our welly walks. We are so lucky to have open countryside on our doorstep which gives us access to woodland and moorland, streams to splash in trees to climb, open space to run and nature to look at. Our walks give us the opportunity to develop childrens motor skills and cordination but also the opportunity to enhance  social skills as we talk about what adventures we are on.

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What a fabulous night had by all.

20th December 2018

We had another fantastic Christmas party last night, lovely to see so many of our lovely families having fun. Well done to all our Children’s choice winners... Our staff winners voted by the children were... Yew tree - Katie  St. John’s - Charlotte  St. Paul’s - Lauren St Raphaels- Heather Micklehurst- Beth Well done ladies  Thank you to everyone who helped to make the night such a huge success and to the amazing team we have who make Funtasia what it is today.

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Our first nursery Christmas dinner 2018

18th December 2018

Our First Christmas dinner was enjoyed by everyone the children had a feast, pulled crackers, put on their party hats and listened to jokes we combined the day with party dances, pass the parcel and lots of festive games everyone had lots of fun.

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Dress up silly for Santa 2018

14th December 2018

We had lots of fun joining whilst supporting our local good causes we raised £32.00 for Action Together.

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Carol singing at Milbrook care home 2018

10th December 2018

The highlight of our Christmas festivities, carol singing at Millbrook care home was beautiful. The children and staff from nursery sang 4 Christmas carols which they had been practicing, they performed them superbly. Following the singing we all spent a little time speaking to the ladies and gentlemen. Heart warming. Big Thank to Millbrook care home for the honour.

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Millies Mark Award

23rd November 2018

As you are all aware our nursery has been accredited with The Millies Mark award. The award is a gold standard in First Aid for nurseries and settings, ensuring that the importance of correct first Aid and safety is at the forefront of everything we do ensures that we stay compliant. Within the award 100% of our team must hold a full paediatric First Aid certificate that must be renewed every 3 years.  Once you have been awarded the quality assurance award you are subject to unannounced inspection visits to ensure compliance. The nursery had an unannounced visit on 16th Novemeber 2018 from...

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Children in need 2018

17th November 2018

We had lots of fun at nursery for our Children in Need fun day 2018. The staff and children dressed up for the occasion and held a yummy cake sale the children took part in an array of sensory experiences from aromatic playdough which the children made Pudsey bears from, we baked biscuits and had yellow shaving foam tactile exploration. We raised £37.50 for this worthwhile cause.

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Remembrance day 2018

11th November 2018

The children and staff at nursery all joined hands to pay respect on Armistice day 2018. The children and staff made a lovely tribute to mark their respects. The children also painted pebbles as poppies and we travelled on the bus to Stalybridge war memorial where we lay them as a mark of respect.

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Nursery have their Food Hygiene rating.....

9th November 2018

We are delighted to sgare the news, we have been awarded a 5 star hygiene rating following our unannounced inspection on 9th November 2018.

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Christmas Party 2018 is back!!

4th October 2018

OUR SELL OUT CHRISTMAS PARTY IS BACK! Fri 14th Dec 2018 7.30pm-Midnight at Dukinfield Masonic Hall, 62 Old Rd, Dukinfield SK16 4EN Bar • Childrens Entertainer • DJ and Disco • Party games • Tombola • Lucky Dip • Spot Prizes • Glitter face painting • Balloon modelling • Candy floss machine • Childrens and Staff Awards • Hot roast turkey and stuffing baps with Pigs in blankets and chips or Vegetarian sticks/ burgers and chips £10 PER TICKET - LIMITED SPACES PER CLUB, BOOK NOW!

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Funtasia First Steps Nursery Grand Opening

7th September 2018

We at Funtasia First Steps Nursery are excited to announce our grand opening on Friday 14th September. Stalybridge MP Jonathan Reynolds will kindly be officially opening our nursery and other local councillors will also be in attendance. If you would like to attend this fantastic opening then feel free to come down and watch the grand opening outside the nursery at 14:30, this will also give you the opportunity to be in the pictures for our local papers

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First week at Funtasia First Steps Nursery

7th September 2018

What a lovely week at nursery

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Our Journey So Far

3rd September 2018

As we open our doors to our first families, I thought it would be a good opportunity to share our journey so far, with you all. ❤️ #funtasiafamily

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Christmas Party 2018

1st September 2018

We have booked our family Christmas party!! Put Friday 14th December in your diaries, Masonic Hall Dukinfield its a slightly smaller room than last year holding 200. We will have disco, entertainment, raffle, food and our children choices awards. Our Christmas parties are always a sell out, so we really do advise you when tickets are on sale to buy them ASAP. More information to follow closer to the time...

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Stalybridge carnival 2018

24th June 2018

We had a fabulous day for Stalybridge carnival. ☀️The glorious weather brought so many people out to watch. The children looked amazing and everyone enjoyed the whole experience. The icing on the cake 

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Welcome to our new website

1st June 2018

Welcome to our new website. We now have a new website in preperation for our growing family, all ready for our little nursery to open in September- One website that ensures all information you may need is in one place and more user friendly. If you have any feedback, concerns or questions about any area please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you Karen xx

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  • Fantastic set up with wonderful staff that care for and look after your children superbly. My daughter was always excited and happy to go to Funtasia and built extremely good relationships with the staff making it easy for me to leave her knowing she was safe and happy.

    Lizanne Scott

  • My little girl has spent a few weeks here at holiday club this summer and has loved it, staff friendly and a really nice atmosphere in the club. Will defiantly be going back again

    David Robinson

  • Wonderful! The care and kindness shown is second to none.


  • Although Seren is too little to tell me, I can see for myself what an amazing time she is having. The way her face lights up as we walk through the door, the way she beams and smiles at you all (and how she barely notices that I leave

    Zoe Larkin Kelsall

  • I have been using funtasia now for many years. All three of my children have spent time with the funtasia team. GREAT environment, fantastic activities and beautifully warm and welcoming staff. I couldn't recommend funtasia even nearly enough. They are truly amazing. Here's to many more years


  • Can't thank the staff enough for all they do with my little boy especially Sammy, I feel happy that my son is well looked after and he is happy whilst me and my husband are at work the staff are friendly and caring, I would highly recommend Funtasia especially Fantasia Micklehurst.

    Naomi Rigby

  • Daniel absolutely loves Funtasia ... the staff are so lovely and he has such a good time ... thank you to the staff for your hard work and making it the fantastic club it is I wouldn't have my son go anywhere else xx

    Becki Wilde

  • I wanted my son to develop his own independence away from me, to build his confidence, to learn a positive teacher/pupil relationship and for him to make friends in a fun, gentle and encouraging environment. All of which he has done in abundance with the love, attention and support of all the staff at Funtasia, who treat all the children like part of their own family. Communication between parents/guardians and staff is always open and encouraged. I would wholeheartedly recommend Funtasia First Steps to any parent looking for a nursery/preschool setting for their baby/child



  • Emma's had a baby girl.

    Huge Congratulations to Emma on the birth of the beautiful Sophie-Leigh We cant wait for cuddles, sending you ll our love xx

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  • Our lovely Katie has had a baby.

    Huge congratulations to our lovely Katie on the birth of her beautiful baby boy, Oakely  I am sure you will all join me in wishing Katie and her family our..

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  • Our Family Chrsitmas 2023

    WOW WOW WOW.... What a fantastic turnout for our family christmas party. We had singing, dancing, snow machines, popcorn machines, candy floss, cakes and the amazing kids love to party..

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  • This Month at Yew Tree out of school club- September 2021

    This month we’ve enjoyed welcoming everyone back after the school holidays, we’ve also welcomed some of our new children to our club. To start the term we had..

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  • This Month at St Stephens Out Of School Club- September 2021

    Firstly, I would like to welcome back all our children we hope you had a lovely summer! We have also welcomed lots of new children and been helping them to..

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  • This Month at Micklehurst Out Of School Club- September 2021

    Here at micklehurst we have enjoyed welcoming our new children and families to our setting. We have started of by getting to know each other and getting used to our..

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  • This month at Millbrook Out of School Club- September 2021

    This month at Millbrook and St Raphael’s before and after school club we have been so happy to welcome back all our lovely children and have thoroughly enjoyed meeting..

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  • This Month at Micklehurst Out Of School Club- September 2021

    Here at micklehurst we have enjoyed welcoming our new children and families to our setting. We have started of by getting to know each other and getting used to our..

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  • This Month at St Pauls Out Of School Club- September 2021

    At St Paul’s this month we’ve had so much fun and enjoyed lots of different activities and settling in all our new children. We have reintroduced the new..

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  • Nursery Macmillan Coffee Morning 2021

    Today at nursery we have hosted our Macmillan Coffee morning!  It was so nice to final invite parents and families into our nursery and have a nice catch up with..

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  • Potty Training and Dummy workshop

    This week at nursery we have hosted our first workshop! This was our potty training and dummy use workshop! We had a good turn out and we are greatful to..

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  • Outdoor Play at Nursery

    The children at nursery love playing and exploring our outdoor area. The children have recently enjoyed playing in the construction area and trying to build different towers and obstacle courses..

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  • Fun at holiday club!

    Today at holiday club we have held our sports day, what fun we have all had! The children and staff have taken part in various races, running, jumping, team challennges,..

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  • Detective week at holiday club.

    What a super week at holiday club during detective week. We turned our holiday club into CSI room, children managed to crack codes by workinng out the colour of hair,..

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  • Nursery Graduation 2021

    What an emotional day! Today we celebrated the time we have spent together with our wonderful children who are moving on to primary school. The children all practised all their..

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  • COVID won't stop us!

    COVID-19 will not stop us celebrating and saying goodbye to our amazinng children!  We look forward to seeing everyone late for our outdoor graduation! 

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  • Happy Christmas

    Happy Christmas As the school year draws to an end and our settings close for Christmas  I would like to take this opportunity to firstly thank each and everyone of..

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  • Nursery Breakfast with Santa

    What a lovely morning and a beautiful breakfast with a surprise visit from Father Christmas. 

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  • Christmas dinner at nursery

    The children and staff have had a wonnderful day at nursery today. It was Christmas dinner day! sooo yummy! Children had made their own place mats and festive hats, the..

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  • Our Nursery is 2 today!

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  • Summer Holiday club fun!

    What a wonderful time we are all having at our holiday club. We have had so much fun  over the last couple of weeks. The children have really enjoyed seeing..

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  • Nursery Graduation Day - 2020

    It has been an emotional day today as we say goodbye to some of our amazing children, who we have had the honour and privilege of looking after and watching..

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  • Settling back into Nursery.

    We have all really settled back into nursery now and have adjusted well to the new routine and adjustments at nursery. It's like we have never been away now. We..

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  • Look!! I've done my first week back at nursery!!

    One of our lovely nursery children, showing off her certificate of achievement for her first week back at our nursery. That smile says everything doesnt it? ( Thank you for sending..

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  • Summer 2020 Holiday Club

    Hope everyone is well I just wanted to take this opportunity to give everyone a quick update on the out of school clubs. The Government yesterday updated " The Actions for..

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  • Our Nursery is reopening on 22nd June 2020

    Good Afternoon to all our parents, we are looking forward to welcoming everyone back to nursery very soon. We have been working very hard following government and public health guidance..

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  • We love our relationships with children and parents.

    We Just wanted to say a massive thankyou to all the lovely children and parents that joined our zoom call this afternoon  Thank you children - for making me love..

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  • Thanking our carers

    We would just like to say a BIG THANK YOU to all our NHS and Social care workers, especially all our parents who have been working on the front line..

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  • We love you all!

    We wanted to send a message to all our lovely parents and children out there, to let you know that we are missing you all so much and can’t..

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  • Christmas Party 2019

    WARNING OUR TICKETS ARE SELLING FAST  Our Family Christmas party is open to all children and parents that attend any one of our Funtasia settings, this night is a hugely..

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  • Staff Awards Night

    We are holding our end of year staff awards night on 7th December and need your help in nominating the practitioner you feel deserves to win " The parents choice award"..

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  • New setting opening soon.

    We are thrilled to announce we have been selected to provide before, after school and holiday childcare at St Stephens School in Droylsden. We are excited for our new venture..

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  • October Holiday Fun!

    Wow, what a fun filled week we all had over October half term. We carried out lots of fun activities with a spooky theme and had lots of outdoor oportunities,..

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  • Out and About with Nursery.

    Today at nursery we have taken our children out into the wider community as part of enhancing our cultural capital. Culture capital gives our children knowledge and experiences that they..

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  • Managing our feelings and behaviour.

    This week at St. John’s we have been focusing on feelings, we started the week with our circle time talking about feelings and how sometimes events can make us..

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  • St Pauls new parents meeting.

    Any parents of our pre- school children, St Pauls is holding a new parents evening for children starting reception class in September 2020. Funtasia will be attending to offer support and..

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  • Ofsted Big Conversation.

    The management team attended Ofsted Big Conversation this weekend. We love attending this meeting where providers delivering early years care and education come together, its such a passionate morning and..

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  • Nursery Parents Evening and Report Dates 2019/2020

      October  21st -New starters, baseline report and meeting for all new children. Key person to meet informally with parents of existing children.  Parents evening- December 3rd – Reports to go home. ..

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  • This week at nursery we held a cake sale for The Macmillan Charity.

    This week at nursery we have all been busy following the children’s interests. On Friday we held our Macmillan cake sale which we raised £67.52 for this amazing charity. A..

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  • Dummy use advice.

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  • Our nursery is 1 today.

     It’s our birthday! Our nursery is  1 today. A huge thank you to our amazing, dedicated team and our lovely supportive parents for such a successful first year. our funtasiafamily

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  • Trip to Southport.

    What a beautiful day out both our nursery and holiday club had when we visited Southport. We travelled on the bus to catch our train to Southport. When we arrived..

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  • Its Beach Theme at nursery.

    It’s all about the beach this week at nursery  and we are all super excited for our trip to Southport. We kicked off the week with a fantastic beach..

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  • Graduation Day 2019

    Wow what a turn out. Today was our first graduation celebration and it was such an emotional day saying goodbye to all our lovely and amazing children. I would like..

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  • When the nursery children visited Millbrook care home.

    The children were very lucky today to be invited to Milbrook care home. It’s lovely that our nursery has developed a relationship with the care home, allowing us the..

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  • Stalybridge Carnival 2019.

    We had a beautiful day this weekend, taking part in Stalybridge Carnival. This is such a wonderful community event for the children to be a part of. Children arrived dressed..

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  • Staff Training this term

    Practitioners within nursery have undertaken several training and development opportunities, Karen has completed- Looking at Schemas, Supporting staff well-being, Exemplary practice with babies, Outstanding practice,Online safety in Early Years,..

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  • Top Team Member - February 2019

    We are proud to announce that Kelsey was awarded this months " Top Team Member Award" Kelsey has shown dedication and passion to all her tasks within the nursery, carrying out..

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  • New Early Years Learning Platform

    Parents, We are delighted to inform you that we will be changing our Early Years learning platform, we currently use  Baby’s Days we will be moving over to Blossom..

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  • Phonics training with our local school

    Kim, karla, Beth and Sam were delighted to be invited by the reception teacher at St Pauls to attend Phonics training delivered by herself. We have a strong working partnerships..

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  • Wednesday wet welly walks

    Nursery children put on their wellies, hats, scarves and gloves and every Wednesday off we go on our welly walks. We are so lucky to have open countryside on our..

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  • What a fabulous night had by all.

    We had another fantastic Christmas party last night, lovely to see so many of our lovely families having fun. Well done to all our Children’s choice winners... Our staff..

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  • Our first nursery Christmas dinner 2018

    Our First Christmas dinner was enjoyed by everyone the children had a feast, pulled crackers, put on their party hats and listened to jokes we combined the day with party..

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  • Dress up silly for Santa 2018

    We had lots of fun joining whilst supporting our local good causes we raised £32.00 for Action Together.

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  • Carol singing at Milbrook care home 2018

    The highlight of our Christmas festivities, carol singing at Millbrook care home was beautiful. The children and staff from nursery sang 4 Christmas carols which they had been practicing, they performed..

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  • Millies Mark Award

    As you are all aware our nursery has been accredited with The Millies Mark award. The award is a gold standard in First Aid for nurseries and settings, ensuring that..

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  • Children in need 2018

    We had lots of fun at nursery for our Children in Need fun day 2018. The staff and children dressed up for the occasion and held a yummy cake sale the..

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  • Remembrance day 2018

    The children and staff at nursery all joined hands to pay respect on Armistice day 2018. The children and staff made a lovely tribute to mark their respects. The children also..

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  • Nursery have their Food Hygiene rating.....

    We are delighted to sgare the news, we have been awarded a 5 star hygiene rating following our unannounced inspection on 9th November 2018.

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  • Christmas Party 2018 is back!!

    OUR SELL OUT CHRISTMAS PARTY IS BACK! Fri 14th Dec 2018 7.30pm-Midnight at Dukinfield Masonic Hall, 62 Old Rd, Dukinfield SK16 4EN Bar • Childrens Entertainer • DJ and Disco • Party games • Tombola • Lucky..

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  • Funtasia First Steps Nursery Grand Opening

    We at Funtasia First Steps Nursery are excited to announce our grand opening on Friday 14th September. Stalybridge MP Jonathan Reynolds will kindly be officially opening our nursery and other..

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  • First week at Funtasia First Steps Nursery

    What a lovely week at nursery

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  • Our Journey So Far

    As we open our doors to our first families, I thought it would be a good opportunity to share our journey so far, with you all. ❤️ #funtasiafamily

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  • Christmas Party 2018

    We have booked our family Christmas party!! Put Friday 14th December in your diaries, Masonic Hall Dukinfield its a slightly smaller room than last year holding 200. We will have disco,..

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  • Stalybridge carnival 2018

    We had a fabulous day for Stalybridge carnival. ☀️The glorious weather brought so many people out to watch. The children looked amazing and everyone enjoyed the whole experience. The icing..

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  • Welcome to our new website

    Welcome to our new website. We now have a new website in preperation for our growing family, all ready for our little nursery to open in September- One website that..

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